Time management. Take care of as much “low-hanging fruit” as you can. Automate and expedite as many processes as you can. This can be as simple as laying out the clothes you’re going to wear the night before or filling your tank on the way home from work even though it’s cold and your tired so that you’re not wondering if you’re going to have enough gas to get to work the next day. Organize your things. 7Ps.
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Community gives us meaning and helps us understand the things that happen to us in an increasingly disconnected world. We feel more alive when we feel seen and heard because it is a uniquely human need to belong to something larger than ourselves. You can’t surround yourself with toxic people.
Have a hobby.
Reconnect with nature.
Unplug and read.
Live within your means and learn how to manage your money. You can have anything you want, but you can’t have everything you want. You deserve everything you want, you just haven’t done the work to get it yet.
Help other people.
Practice gratitude and notice the small things.